Integrate a self written "Switch" into Home Asssistant

In this post you learn how to integrate a self written relay switch (for example with an Arduino UNO/MEGA or ESP82666 or ESP32) into Home Assistant. Lot of tutorials are using MQTT or ESP Home. On this page I describe how to control switches with plain HTTP requests.

Pre requisits

Regarding Home Assistant (HA) you will need:

  • A running instance of Home Assistant. I'm using a Raspberry Pi5.
  • In HA you have to install file File Editor (Install via Settings / Add ons / ADD-ON STORE  called "File editor")
  • In HA you need to know how to add new entities to your dashboard

Obvious you will need a device

  • A microcontroller with an output like an relay or a LED which can be controlled via HTTP
  • A running server on that microcontroller
  • This example will be based on my Generic ESP Webserver but any other webserver should be usable

HA: Two Options

There are two options how to integrate a HTTP Switch:

  • Settings / Devices & Servies / ADD INTEGRATION / Command Line
  • Settings / Devices & Servies / ADD INTEGRATION / RESTful Command

Here I will describe the command line integration.

The configuration.yaml

You could add your command line integration directly in your configuration.yaml. I propose to put all command line integrations in a separate file and just include that file in configuration.yaml. In my example it will be named mycommand.yaml.

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

# My entries
command_line: !include mycommand_line.yaml 

HA: mycommand_line.yaml

Now create a new file calles "mycommand_line.yaml". In mycommand_line.yaml you define the commands to switch your relay. Additionally you can define a command to get the current state.

  - switch:
      name: 69 Sonoff S20
      unique_id: 69sonoff
      command_on:    /usr/bin/curl ""
      command_off:   /usr/bin/curl ""
      command_state: /usr/bin/curl ""
      value_template: '{{ value == "0" }}'
      icon: >
        {% if value_json.rel1 == 1 %} mdi:toggle-switch
        {% else %} mdi:toggle-switch-off
        {% endif %}
"command_line" commented with a # as that keyword  is already in the configuration.yaml before the include command.
- switch:
Now start a new section switch
you can give your switch a name
a unique identifer for your switch
is in seconds and defines how often the command command_state is called.
is the command to switch the output on. In the Example "" is the command to switch on pin 1 on the ESP8266
similar to previous entry, this command will switch off the output
a resource on the switch which responds the current state of the switch. In the example I request the state data with from a JSON. This line is optional but necessary to let the switch change in the home assistant dashboard
is an expression. If the expression validates to true, the switch is marked as ON
optional icon logic to switch on and off switch. The example shows a multi line entry, hence the >

Restart HA Configuration

When you have modified (added) a plattform in the configuration.yaml you must RESTART your configuration. Usually this is only needed once. Use

Developer tools / Check and Restart / Restart

Later, when you just do adoptions in the mycommand_line.yaml it is sufficent if you just do a YAML configuration reloading.

Check Configuration

After you have changed files you can do a quick check of your files in Developer Tools / YAML / CHECK CONFIGURATION.

Reload YAML configuration

You will find it in the Developer tools also:

Developer tools / YAML configuration reloading / All YAML configuration

HA: Add Switch to Dashboard

Now you can add a new card by entity. Chose your entity (in this example "69 Sonoff S20") and press CONTINUE

Home Assistant will notify "We created a suggestion for your" and leave the card with ADD TO DASHBOARD

In your dashboard you can use your Arduino / ESP based switch:



You see, you can very easily integrate your own Arduino/ESP based relays and LEDs into Home Assistant. Just inform HA about the needed commands and let it collect the actual state of your switch.

(*) Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you I will earn a (little) comission if you click through and make a purchase. I only recommend products I own myself and I'm convinced they are useful for other makers.


First upload: 2025-01-12 | Version: 2025-01-18