Herzlich Willkommen
... auf der Homepage von Werner Rothschopf. Auf dieser Website sammle ich allerlei Information die sonst nirgendwo so recht hinpassen. Das wären Urlaubsbilder, Elektronik-Basteleien, Softwareprojekte und ein paar Daten über mich.
Wenn du mit mir in Kontakt treten möchtest, schreibe mir ruhig Mail.
2025-01-12: Home Assistant: Switches with Arduino / ESP8266 / ESP32
2025-01-12: Home Assistant: Integrate Own Sensordata from Arduino / ESP8266 / ESP32
2024-09-07: ESP Weather Monitor with OpenweatherMap
2024-03-19: ESP NOW Data Transmission ESP8266 & ESP32
2024-03-09: Data Transmission between Microcontrollers
2024-03-07: Data Exchange between two ESP32 (JSON & TCP)
2024-02-12: NTP /Timezone Configuration via Webserver Interface (ESP8266, ESP32)
2024-01-14: WT32-ETH01 - ESP32 Board with Ethernet Socket
2023-11-24: Sonoff S26 R2 with ESP8266
2023-11-04: ESP8266 Deepsleep for Powersaving
2023-10-31: The ESP8266 as Network Scanner
2023-10-15: ESP8266 ESP32 Webserver Examples (maxi)
2023-08-17: Intelligent Antenna Switch - YEASU Linear Jack
2023-07-30: Start with a simple ESP8266 ESP32 webserver
2023-07-01: ESP8266 ESP32 send data from webclient to webserver and request data from webserver
2023-05-30: LoRa APRS Tracker und APRS iGate
2023-05-18: ESP8266 ESP12F Relay X16 Board to switch pins with browser
2023-04-10: Fun with millis(): Dimm (fade) LEDs with Arduino
2023-03-06: Simple Graphics with GraphViz
2023-03-05: Blink without Delay: Several Hardware
2022-11-01: Fun with millis():Ramping Servo Movements with the Arduino
2022-08-03: Arduino Webclient with Backup to SD Card
2022-08-01: ESP32 Relay X8 Board to switch pins with browser
2022-07-15: Fun with millis(): Slow Servo Movements with the Arduino
2022-04-02: Serial: Atorch DT24 HD IPS / UD18
2022-03-05: Noiasca Tool Kit to debounce buttons (momemtary push switches)
2022-02-12: A fast prototype Noiasca Encoder Library
2022-02-05: ESP8266 ESP32 simple webserver to switch pins with browser
2022-02-02: Noiasca Took Kit for LEDs
2022-01-26: A02YYUW Ultrasonic Sensor with UART Serial interface
2022-01-08: The P03/3-RS485 Basic CET GPS Weatherstations from Elsner